Week 3: 52 Weeks of Christian Mindfulness

“God says, “Be still and know that I am God. I will be praised in all the nations; I will be praised throughout the earth.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46:10‬ ‭NCV‬‬

So, I’m still 1 week delayed on posting this. ☹️ I’m still trying to fit into my schedule all the roles I need to do in my current season of life. Quiet time with God every morning and making art keep me sane and centered amidst being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and an emerging artist. On top of that, dealing with a chronic pain on a daily basis means I have to be mindful of my health and well-being. By God’s grace, despite delayed posting here, I can say that I am able to cope with my current situation.

Psalm 46:10 is one of the first ever verses that I learned and really held on to back in 2015 when I was dealing with severe emotional stress and anxiety. It helped me remember Who is in control.

Even now, it’s a beautiful REMINDER for me that I should only focus on Him especially when things don’t go my way, and a PROMISE that He is the One in control and that He holds me in the palm of His hands and I should not worry.

Yesterday, I went for a run and decided to bring this tiny sketchbook I ordered few months ago. I didn’t know what to do with it except I just thought it’s cute! I wanted to have some quiet time with God and paint while meditating on this week’s Bible verse and this was the result.

It was also during the process that an idea popped in on what to do with this tiny sketchbook – paint on it after running and write Bible verses or quotes. Now I will have a collection of the Living Word that I can bring with me anywhere and open it anytime I need it. Art+Faith+Christian Mindfulness! 😊🙏🏻

Do you have any concern right now that’s making you anxious? Are things not going your way? Try to pause for a moment of silence and meditate on Psalm 46:10. You can also do what I did, painting without overthinking and make slow, steady strokes and listen to that still small voice in your heart. 😊


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