Of Milk Teas, Smoothies and Pinoy Comfort Foods

On my previous post, I wrote about my own line of washi stickers and the story behind my Namaste sticker design. This time I’ll share 3 of my bestseller designs – milk teas, smoothies and Pinoy Comfort Foods.

I don’t drink milk tea and smoothies. I don’t like “complicated” foods nor drinks especially with milk. 😝 But when it comes to their appearance or presentation, that’s a different story. 😊

I’ve always been fascinated with food presentation and packaging. I find joy in just looking at the pastries behind the glass display and wondering when can I paint them the soonest. So when I went on my 8-week hiatus (a.k.a. “self-directed artist residency”), I fully immersed myself on painting my “dream food and drinks” – “dream” because I will only eat/drink them in my dreams! LOL! 

Drink Up and Modern Mixology

It was quite challenging for me at first painting these drinks because of the color blending but immensely meditative as I blend the paints to create the look. My aim was not to paint it realistically but create my own painted version the drinks. The white gel pen sure added some oomph on the painting. I further enhanced them digitally and added the quotes on the iPad using Procreate app.

Milk Tea

I’m seeing a lot of people crazy about milk tea and I am clueless what’s in it that makes people consume it like everyday?! I’m a tea drinker but never a milk drinker so this goes to me “dream foods/drinks” list! Haha! 

And because there’s a milk tea shop in every corner I traveled – Bangkok, Shanghai, Manila and even at my hometown, I thought of painting the top ten brands based on Spot.PH. I really enjoyed painting each cup and I imagined people into creative journaling and milk tea will enjoy these stickers for their journals.

I even made a Milk Tea Bingo Postcard/Art Print – Manila Edition just for fun!

With Comfort Foods set, I remember I painted these during the time that I miss home where all these foods are easily available and really make one feel “at home”. The text I added are actually not quotes but statements we, Filipinos, associate these foods. For example, when payday is not anytime soon and funds have ran out, one will opt for instant noodles instead of dining out, hence, the term “wala pang sweldo” (not payday yet). Another one is the Flat Tops – a local chocolate brand that most Filipinos can relate to it as part of their childhood. 😊

Can you relate to any of these designs? 🙂 You can get these washi stickers and more at my online shop https://shopee.ph/aireescreates or at Common Room in Ayala Malls Manila Bay branch and on Feb. 29 at StickerCon

Happy weekend!